Case Study
Ramadan 2018
In this stage we’re going through Ramadan 2018 campaign with 57357
The situation here is: donations were the client’s objective in Ramadan.
And what a Challenge to take as it’s a hot season from all the aspects especially in the charity section.
We stopped by important points before starting:
– 57357 targets a mass target including a wide range of age groups, both
genders, different languages, wide geo range “almost all around the world”… Etc.
– It’s never logic to target such a mass audience with one message, one
artwork, one tone of voice and so on.
– 57357 was competing in Ramadan Charity and Donations High Season with more than other 15 charity institutions in Egypt and Gulf; high competition made it even harder and more expensive to get our target of donations.
Taking into consideration the mentioned points, NSM+ has turned obstacles into advantages!
For the artwork and creative:
– We’ve created an enormous amount of detailed Buyer Personas so that we can use the suitable creative work that fits with them.
– Taking age groups in consideration, we’ve created different artworks with different colors and different tones of voice for each age group and per each message ad we wanted to deliver. And also we’ve considered gender in colors and tone of voice.
And to make sure that the messages hits their targets successfully:
We tailored our ads in different languages according to the region they display. Ex. in Algeria we tended to use french language, in Spain we’ve created spanish ads, even different accents of Arabic in the Arab world … etc.
To be more specific:
– Creative work for example like Cheb Khaled ad was mainly targeted in North Africa Countries.
– For the one ad set we’ve created around more than 5 artworks and tone of voices delivering one message.
– Even videos have been subtitled with more than a language to display them with each geo’s native language.
As a matter of considering our targeting tactics:
Taking into consideration the high level of competency, we had to think out of the box differently than the rest of our competitors.
– Usually only conversion campaigns are used to get donations, people tend to get donations that way directly.
– We’ve used conversion campaigns of course, but what else? As we had to use more than one way to get that huge target of donations.
– We’ve runned a website traffic campaign to lead customers to the website with a strong message on it to get more donations which was more cheaper to use and faster to reach as it doesn’t have that high competition like Conversion campaigns have according to Facebook algorithm.
As a matter of fact :
There are two classic ways to get donations:
– The first one is to create direct conversion campaign which has a high cost according to the high competition and it doesn’t guarantee the amount of donations each donor pay.
– Second one depends on getting high traffic which costs less and driving them to donate.
But as we are thinking out of the box, We didn’t stop here and only choose one of the ways above, but also we’re tracking the lead after, to show him a specific message according to his behavior.
– For example: Frequent donor, that was noticed to donate on regular basis even if with not a big amount of money had the message of “كمل تبرعك”, while high value donors who donate with a huge amount of money had the message of “بتبرعك عالجنا عدد كذا من المرضى”, and who didn’t donate had the message of “ساعد في شفاء” and so on.
Briefly :
tracking leads, retargeting them according to their behaviour with the right “call to action” was extremely effective.
– We’ve tracked donors accurately that we’ve identified locations of high value donors most of them were “Gulf Princes”.
– We’ve googled Gulf princes’ addresses and targeted their locations in our campaigns as they are considered our main target audience and all area Around.
– We ve also targeted Gulf audience using Snapchat, as they are considered heavy users of it.
And that wasn’t the end:
– We’ve also runned engagement campaigns with emotional content that leads to indirect donations, taking in consideration that engagement campaigns has lower prices than direct conversion ones, so We relied most on the good content to drive users to donate.
– Moreover we’ve runned video views campaigns, as they grow fast on Facebook and their good content broke records as in the mega star Tamer Hosny ad made the highest viewership on Facebook in Ramadan.
But life is not that easy!
Crossing by Tamer Hosny ad, we had a challenge over here!
– Tamer Hosny ad was leaked before its release date on internet, and when we wanted to run campaign we faced a copyrights issue as we were not the first to post that video.
– We contacted Facebook and solved that issue in no time, video was deleted from the unauthorised person and we’ve got our copyrights back.
– We’ve also supported our campaigns with Newsletter and Whatsapp messages campaigns.

Year 2019
Headline: 57357 a journey of success in conquering obstacles.
A business case study is simply a story about how you successfully delivered a solution to your client.
Social media can be defined as an instrument, which is used in communication. Media is another instrument for communication. In terms of the web, we could say that social media is not just an instrument for giving information, but it helps in interacting.
And today we are going to tell you about a very unique story of hope,love and care..a journey of science that aims to a better life for our children.
The Social media story of 57357 hospital with the help of NSM+ family for many years in a row.
Introduction about 57357:
57357 is the biggest hospital in the middle east specialized in pediatrics oncology.57357 hospital treats nearly half of all pediatric cancer cases in Egypt .
20 years ago 8 Million LE was raised in seed money from pledges of prominent businessmen and citizens to start the project. The hospital was built by donation, and since 7-7-2007 is opening its doors for all children with cancer regardless of creed, race or ability to pay and so the process began.
2019 – The Challenge:
Because 2018 reached the peak of success ,it was natural to face a huge challenge in the next year.as things don’t always go as they’re planned. The 57357 organization faced a huge challenge of false allegations and a massive brand attack.
So armed with our creative ideas ,accurate media and social media strategies. We executed what follows:
In Donation seasons,like Ramadan,Mother’s day,El-Fitr and El-Adha Eid
In Ramadan, we all remember the concepts of “ -المغفرة-العتق من النار-الرحمة ”. And how all family members are keen to get around one table to share “Iftar” together. so we used this concept in various executions as follows:

Mother’s Day
هديتها صدقة جارية
In this direction, we aimed to encourage people to donate to 57357 as a gift to their mothers on Mother’s day .
We created a campaign through videos and photos with a call to action to donate to 57357 in the mother’s day as an ongoing charity.

57357 كوكب السعادة
Based on the psychological fact that humans massive exposure to a certain idea affects their subconscious directly,then leads to emotional bond with this idea.we achieved this by creating a buzz through enhancing a previous existing hashtag #كوكب_السعادة .

رحلتنا هتكمل بيك

دعمك حجر أساس

السرطان عدونا كلنا

إزرع أمل لبكره
In this direction, we used a call to action words to encourage people to donate and we will use the word “أمل” to spread positive vibes through our campaign.

هدفنا الحياة
In this direction we aimed to inform our target audience how their donations & support affects our children lives directly, by increasing their healing rate.

بالأمل نتحدى الألم
In this direction we were showing our target audience how much their donations & support are the main pillars, that help our children face their illness & ease their pain.