Copywriting for B2B

What is B2B copywriting?

B2B refers to (Business to Business); it’s used when a business is selling a product/service to another business entity and not to the direct consumer in which the latter is called B2C (Business to Customer).

B2B copywriting is simply writing copies that sells your products/services to another business entity. The goal is to attract business owners and decision makers in the way we address them and talk to them. 


Types of B2B copywriting:

B2B copywriting has formulas that can be used and considered in creating your content calendar, we will give you some examples:

1- Blog posts: 

Use your website to your advantage and add a blog section that includes your tips & tricks based on your expertise to target your audience of business owners.

Three key points when using blog posts:

        1. Focus on Headlines & Titles:

Catchy headlines are always vital for your blog’s success. That’s why when you’re writing your article you must have clear and catchy headlines and subheadings that will benefit your readers. Some business owners, if not all, are always skimming through articles in search of the keyword that will attract them. That’s why it’s not always about the attractiveness of the article but the importance of the topic and its simplicity in conveying the needed info.

        1. Dig deeper in the beginning:

Some writers make the mistake of attracting attention in the beginning but lose the reader in the middle. This is because they offer regular-easy-to-know information that anyone could get off the internet, so the reader loses interest and this is a common mistake in article writing.

To avoid this, try to arrange and organize your article after writing it. Make it more interesting, the aim is to get to the point quickly and then elaborate further as you dig deep through the article.

        1. Place your CTA smoothly in the end:

If you want people to take an action after reading your article, like booking an appointment or downloading an ebook, you should place it smoothly in a way that the reader would like to take that the needed action.

2- Sales copies and social media ads:

Social media is key to knowing your audience well, but when you’re talking to businesses you should consider platforms like Linkedin & Youtube because they’re most likely to be there.

Three key points when using sales copies:

  • Don’t be too direct unless you have an offer or launching a new product. Make sure the copy is creative and use a direct CTA in the end.
  • Don’t be cheesy. You’re selling a product/service that many companies have, being different and unique is very important. Make sure you highlight what makes your product/service different than others.
  • Get the help of a creative agency to market it for you while you worry about offering the best quality and service or ask for our help.

3- Email campaigns and Newsletters:

Email campaigns are the most effective tool when it comes to targeting businesses. Decision makers check their mails at least twice a day and that is most definitely the best way to get their attention.

Three key points when using E-mail campaigns:

  • Your Email subject is everything to get users to open it.
  • CTA should be repeated and placed many times through the article.
  • Make sure your Emails contain more valuable and educational content than just selling.


Writing for businesses is not hard as it seems, it’s just simple writing but with a strategy.
A strategy catered to different kinds of businesses, more formal, very actionable but also more profitable.


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